
On this page you can find contact information and the employees at James Lind Care:
If you have any questions or just want to get in contact with us, you can find our contact information below.


Henrik Vincentz

CEO & Founder

Torben Lind

Relationship Executive & Founder

Thomas Rohde Jørgensen


Karina Lippert

Project Director

Jacob Aksglaede


Rasmus Hjorth

Head of Communication

Thomas Byskov Madsen

Head of Campaigning

Silvia Hurst

Head of Partnerships

Bo Jørgensen

Head of Community

Birgit Hauggaard Nielsen

Head Nurse, Denmark

Lene Voller Fallesen

Research Nurse, Denmark

Ida-Maria Schiøtt-Hyldelund

Research Nurse, Denmark

Elsebet Eriksen

Research Nurse, Denmark

Paula Rogers

Senior Project Manager & Research Nurse, United Kingdom

Jane Breen

Research Nurse, United Kingdom

(+ 44) 7752 185166

Clare Das

Research Nurse, United Kingdom

(+ 44) 07522 416933

Simone Müller

Study Nurse Consultant, Germany

(+49) 160 638 37 13

Vera Gordon

Study Nurse Consultant, Germany

(+49) 160 7631503

Petra Jungfermann

Study Nurse Consultant, Germany

Maja Asperen

Research Nurse, Sweden

Ylva Thorsen

Research Nurse, Sweden

(+46) 793 58 99 30

Gaelle Louvet

Research Nurse, France

(+33) 6 70 66 83 97

Julien Bontemps

Research Nurse, France

(+33) 6 24 45 05 24

Pilar Martinez

Research Nurse, Spain

(+ 34) 722 45 77 15

Luis de Luna George

Research Nurse, Spain

‎(+34) 639 57 78 00

Diana Sufragiu

Research Nurse, Italy

(+39) 333 816 4385

Gary Claven

Social Media Specialist, United Kingdom

Agata Inkielman

Campaign Specialist

Hanna Wallström

Community Specialist, Sweden

Nadin Chahrour

Community Specialist, Denmark

Eloise Healey

Senior Community Specialist, United Kingdom

Danny Alves Ferreira

Community Specialist, France

About us

James Lind Care is specialized in clinical trials guiding patients to clinical trial engagement through collaboration with sponsors and patient organizations.

Copyright 2024 - James Lind Care