James Lind Care delivers an efficient and reliable patient recruitment service that ensures sponsors meet the recruitment targets for their clinical trials.
James Lind Care deliver an efficient and reliable patient recruitment service that ensures sponsors meet the recruitment targets for their clinical trials.
We provide pharmaceutical companies with our patient recruitment service for phase II and phase III clinical trials.
With our expertise in engaging, qualifying and referring suitable patients for clinical trials, sponsors experience an efficient and reliable patient recruitment service that eases the sites’ enrolment burden, support patients’ needs and delivers on time, meeting the clinical trial’s enrolment targets.
We are specialised in recruiting patients for phase II and III clinical trials in Europe and have years of experience of ensuring global pharmaceutical companies reach their enrolment targets for their clinical trials in Europe.
Contact us to explore our patient recruitment services for clinical trials
At James Lind Care our goal is to connect as many patients with as many clinical research projects as possible. With our patient recruitment services, we help the pharmaceutical industry to connect with the specific patient population they are looking for, whether it’s recruiting patients for clinicals trials, patient engagement projects or other clinical research related projects.
With our expertise in patient outreach and engaging patients in clinical research, we can deliver an efficient and reliable patient recruitment service that meets the criteria of the patient population our clients are looking for.
Contact us to explore our patient recruitment services for clinical research projects
James Lind Care’s patient recruitment service is known for reliability and efficiency due to our expertise in identifying, engaging and guiding patients to participate in clinical research.
We have a broad outreach to patients through our own digital patient communities with more than 250,000 members across Europe. We guide the patients from their initial point of interest all the way to being enrolled in the right clinical trial for them.
We have a team of experienced research nurses in each country we operate in. Prior to the study start, they are trained in the protocol and exchange insights with the trial site nurses. This allows the best possible site referral of trial participants.
Through our understanding of patients’ and trial sites’ needs, we can refer well-informed, thoroughly qualified and motivated patients to the sites, resulting in low screen failures and high randomisation rates.
Our patient recruitment service relies on a patient- and site-centric approach which is described in our patient path model.
More than 250,000 patients have joined our patient communities across Europe, with the aim of taking part in clinical research.
We foster their interest by consistently engaging with them and providing them with member services such as newsletters, surveys and projects they can participate in and engage with.
Membership of the patient communities is free of charge for all patients interested in participating in clinical research.
Denmark – Forskningspanelet
Sweden – Forskningspanelen
UK – British Research Panel
Germany – Forschungspanel
France – Communauté Française pour la Recherche en Santé
Spain – Comunidad de Investigación
Italy – Comunità di Ricerca Clinica
James Lind Care has local and experienced research nurses in each European country where we provide our patient recruitment services. They provide attentive guidance and qualification of each patient signing up for participation in a clinical trial.
This enables us to refer highly eligible trial participants resulting in low screen failures and high randomisation rates. Our team of nurses ensures the quality of our patient recruitment service and high satisfaction rates among sites.
We have a national team in each country where we provide our patient recruitment services. Each team consists of:
The teams’ combined competences ensure that all processes from patient outreach to referral are adapted to each country’s culture, language and distinctive features.
What the sites around the world say about us.
James Lind Care was hired to provide our patient recruitment service to rescue a phase III type 2 diabetes clinical trial from being delayed due to recruitment problems.
Within a 3-month period, we delivered 26 randomisations for the country where we provided our recruitment service, ensuring the trial sites enrolled the participants on time and the sponsor met the recruitment targets and avoided delaying the clinical trial.
Recruiting a patient population who are unaware of the diagnosis for participation in a phase III clinical trial is a challenging task. However, we managed to deliver high quality referrals to the clinical trial sites in the two selected countries. This resulted in 24 randomisations out of 57 patients screened, giving a randomisation rate of 42%.