James Lind Care runs several communities for patients across Europe. These are specific for each country and operate under individual names. If you have questions in relation to one of the research panels or communities in a specific country, you can contact them directly on the following e-mail addresses:
- In UK: British Research Panel: info@britishresearchpanel.co.uk
- In Denmark: Forskningspanelet: Info@forskningspanelet.dk
- In Germany: Forschungspanel: info@forschungspanel.de
- In France: La Communauté Française pour la Recherche en Santé (CFRS): info@cfrs.fr
- In Sweden: Forskningspanelen: info@forskningspanelen.se
- In Spain: La Comunidad de Investigación: info@comunidaddeinvestigacion.es
- In Italy: La Comunità di Ricerca Clinica: info@comunitadiricercaclinica.it