Terms and conditions

Welcome to the James Lind Care’s website.

By using this site you agree to be bound by a number of terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
James Lind Care has a clear policy for processing your data. We are very careful to prevent any abuse of this information while providing the best possible service to our readers.

License and access to the website

All content of the website is our property or property, belonging to our content providers, and is protected by international copyright laws. The purchase of a product does not give the buyer any right to copyright or other intellectual property rights to the product.

You should assume that anything you see or read on the Website, the James Lind Care, is protected by copyright, unless otherwise stated. The content on the website may only be used in accordance with these terms. You are not allowed to:

• Copy, reproduce, duplicate or otherwise exploit the content of the website, including images, articles, page layouts, page designs, commodities, trademarks, logos, text or other content
• Participate in some activities that interfere with the website’s operation or another user’s ability to use the site.


Certain graphics, logos, header heads and icons are trademarks or service marks of the James Lind Care. Our trademarks may not be used for commercial or other purposes without our prior written consent. All other trademarks and service marks found on the site and not owned by the James Lind Care or affiliated companies belong to their respective owners and may not be used without their prior written consent.

Subject to change without notice

The Administration of the James Lind Care reserves the right, at any time and exclusively at our discretion, to make changes to our website and the existing terms of use. Therefore, you should review our terms and conditions every time you visit the site. Use of the website after we make changes constitutes your binding acceptance of these changes.


Get in touch

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Get in touch

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.